
Manual change of registrant (CoR) process

Sometimes we cannot initiate a Change Of Registrant via the domain management system. This will be because the ABN/ACN associated with the domain name is invalid or cancelled, or because the domain changes ownership as part of a business sale.

For Businesses or Organisations

To initiate a COR process, we need some evidence that the domain name has changed entity.

Here are some examples of documentation we accept as proof of a change of ownership.

  • A copy of a sales agreement showing that the business was sold or changed hands; or
  • A signed letter on company letterhead stating that the domain name has changed hands; or
  • Any valid document showing the domain name or business has changed hands.

For Sole Traders and Partnerships

Sometimes an ABN/ACN is associated with a domain name is for a Sole Transfer or Partnership. In which case, we need to see that the Sole Trader or at least one member of the Partnership is the one requesting the COR be completed. We normally accept any form of government-issued ID (e.g. drivers license, passport) as proof that the Sole Trader or member of a Partnership is actually requesting the COR take place.

Documentation Required - Change of ABN (Transfer of Ownership)

The following documents are required by AuDA when transferring a domain to a new ABN (transfer of ownership) 

Please Note: You must be logged into your Google account to access the documents below. 

Transfer of Domain Name Change of Title Form 

You are able to create a Statutory Declaration form following the below link via your MyGov account. This removes the requirement to have a paper form signed by a Justice of the Peace. 

Transfer of Domain Statutory Declaration (Via MyGov)

How to organise a manual COR

If you need a COR processed manually, please login to the My SixFive management system and submit a ticket to our support team. Please ensure that you provide the supporting documentation mentioned above.

You will need to then click a link to confirm the transfer. 

Note that AU transfers cost $197.00 + GST and include one year registration on the domain. 

The process

Once the request has been submitted the existing registrant will receive an email from, subject "Change of registrant for [domainname] requires your action" - please action this and complete all the required information. 

You will require the new registrants ABN, email, address and phone number. 

After completion the new registrant will receive an email from Subject "Change of registrant verification required for" - ask them to look out for this and complete the process. 

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