
Can I rename a user?

Yes, renaming a Google Workspace User account is possible, and we can help you do this.

However, you should be aware of the impacts of this; here's a quick summary and the link below to Google's documentation for more details. 

In summary:

  • The old user details can continue to appear for the people who have interacted with it, even when it's the new username
  • All documents and data will be passed to the new user
  • The old user name will hang around in contacts, autocomplete and directories for some time
  • Initial login and future login can be problematic if the new user does not update the security questions etc.

We recommend deleting the old user and creating a new one fresh to avoid potential overlaps. This has a cleaner result, and if we delete a user first, you don't have a license increase. 

Here is the full detail from Google's support page.

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