
How do I set up my Android device?

Email, Calendar, Web, Files and Meetings

We recommend you use the Google apps for CalendarGmailDriveChrome (synchronise your bookmarks for example) and Meet as they deliver the greatest functionality that G Suite provides.  Once you have installed and signed into one, then the other apps will pick up that authentication and they can all start to work. 

HINT: While you are there download the Google Authenticator app so you are ready to activate 2 Factor Authentication and secure your account. 


To view and manage contacts download the Contacts app.


If you want to sync your photos to your account too as well then install the Google Photos app. This is a great money saver as you can store then in Photos for free, and then stop paying for a not-very-useful iCloud account. 

Document Editing

When you start to edit documents, sheets and slides on your Android then you will need to install DocsSheets and Slides

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