Using MigrateGuru to migrate my site to SixFive
We highly recommend you utilise the staging site provided as part of your plan to do your builds, but sometimes you need to migrate the site.
You can use the popular and reliable plugin MigrateGuru to migrate your site from one location to another.
Click to Migrate Now, and enter your email address:
Select 'Other Hosts'
Install Migrate Guru on your destination site as well. There are two ways to migrate:
1. Use the Migrate Key
From your destination website, copy the Migration Key.
Back on your source website paste in the Migration Key and scroll paste all the complicated stuff:
Then click to start the migration.
2. The manual method
Open your hosting control panel, and browse to the site you are migrating to. Copy the details as below:
- The 'Destination Site URL' should be '' (not https) replacing with the primary domain name on your site.
- FTP Type: select 'SFTP'
- Enter the Server IP Address
- Enter the sFTP username and password
- 'Directory Path' will be '/home/[sFTP username]/sites/[]/htdocs' replacing [sFTP username] and [] with the primary domain name on your site.
Optional - if you are migrating to your staging site, you will need to enter your staging htpwd access / privacy details in this section. If you do not have these, we can provide them for you.
Common errors
If your site doesn't work as expected after migration is complete:
- You have a duplicate wp-config.php inside your htdocs folder. You should delete this as we keep a managed wp-config.php in the folder above outside the webroot, where it is securely not available to the outside world.
- You don't have one of our mandatory cache plugins, or Fail2Ban in your migration - you should sFTP to the server and remove these; once you are in the admin, they can be re-installed. We may also need to reinstall these from the server end.
- You login and don't see any content - this can be caused by database with a non standard table_prefix - you will need to find out what it is (we always expect it to be wp_) and change it in the wp-config.php - search for $table_prefix = 'wp_';
- Caching may still have old data on it. Go to > Tools and click "Clear" on the Object Cache and Page Cache.