
Priority Allocation Process Direct Domain Names

In 2022 the auAD put in place the Priority Allocation Process Direct Domain Names in 2022.

The process prioritised existing registrants domain names (e.g., by giving them the first opportunity to apply for the direct name (e.g., This was based on the creation date of their domain, with older domains receiving higher priority.

The Priority Application Period for .au direct domain names ran from 24 March 2022 to 20 September 2022 UTC and has since been closed.

Registrants of .au domain names registered before 24 March 2022 (e.g. domain names ending in,, were able to apply to register the exact match of their names in .au direct via the Priority Allocation Process.

Please see the following links that may assist you with identifying whom the registrant may need to contact and negotiate with to secure a contested .au direct domain name.

Priority Allocation Process

 .au direct Priority Implementation Rules


For a better understanding you can see the below steps of the original process:

Use the official auDA Priority Status Tool to look up the priority allocation status for a .au direct domain name, as well as review the status for all applicable existing domain names against it. This will help you identify whom the registrant may need to contact and negotiate with to secure a contested .au direct domain name.

The tool will display matching names to the .au direct name with the following labels:
• Priority category 1: Domain names with a creation date on or before 4 Feb 2018
• Priority category 2: Domain names with a creation date after 4 Feb 2018 and before 24 Mar 2022

Along with one of the following status labels:
• Applied: The registrant has applied for priority status to register the exact match of the name in .au,
• Not applied: Registrant has not yet applied for priority status to register the exact match of the name in .au,
• Declined: Registrant has indicated they either do not wish to register the exact match of the name in the .au namespace or have withdrawn their priority status.

1. Go to Priority status tool | auDA

2. Type your existing au domain name

Type your existing au domain name

3. Click on action_process

Click on action_process

4. Review the result:

Review the resul

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