
How do Cloud Backup licenses work?

What happens when we add a user? 

When we add a new user to your Google Workspace we give you the option to add the user to your Google Workspace Cloud Backup. When this happens all data that is in that user account will be backed up from that point in time onwards. 

How long is data stored for?

If you have 1 year retention as your Google Workspace Cloud Backup choice data is deleted from the accounts after 365 days.

If you chose Infinite retention then your data is kept as long as your account is active and the user stays in the system. 

To find out what plan you have please login to > My Products & Services. 

What happens when a Google user is deleted?

When a user is deleted from Google Workspace the data and account remains in Cloud Backup. They become an archived user. Archived user licenses are the same cost as an active user, and you continue to pay for the license. 

This is useful, for example when a user deletion occurs but you opt to not migrate their data elsewhere on deletion. You then later discover that you do want that data, and Cloud Backup can assist in this scenario as the data can be restored to another user's account. 

If you choose to remove the archived user from cloud backup, the data deletion is instant and you cannot recover it. Your licensing will reduce at your annual commitment renewal. 

When will my invoice reduce?

Backup licenses work the same as Google Workspace - to get your the best price per seat you have an annual commitment, even if you pay monthly. This means if you remove a user from the backup system, you create a free seat. This means your invoice will reduce at the end of your annual commitment. 

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