How to view another user calendar, or resource calendar?

How do you open another users calendar for viewing, or a calendar of a meeting room, vehicle or other resource?

First go to 


On the left sidebar find the 'Other Calendars' area and then click on the '+' icon 

Then click 'Subscribe to calendar'. 

Type the name of the person or the name of the resources (you can also enter an email address, or the calendar URL if you know it) here. 

Note the person you are requesting to view must have sharing enabled, and the level of detail you will be able to see depends on their defaults. If you wish to see more of the detail of their events, and perhaps even manage them, the user will need to share the calendar diretcly with you and increase your permission levels. 

Now you can see the calendar in the left sidebar of and see events based on the permissions given to you. 

For resources you can now see others who have booked that resouces, and if you are lucky, you can also book time on the company jet to Hawaii!


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