Lost / reset two factor authentication in Wordpress

When you are unable to complete authentication on your WordPress account, it's likely because

  1. you have lost your device that generates the code
  2. you have lost the device that has those codes

To reset your 2fa and re-generate a barcode for your device, simply ask another Administrator (that could be us) to disable your 2 factor authentication. Here is how that is done. 

Open your Wordpress /wp-admin page 

Go to Users on the left menu

Click 'Edit' on the user you need to edit 

Find the 'Two-factor authentication' section and click the link to manage the users settings. 

Then click to deactivate the 2fa. 


Once done, the screen will confirm there is no two factor authentication configured yet.


You can now configure WordPress two factor authentication by starting your login process again.

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