
My account is suspended

Your accounts may be automatically suspend in the case of non payment. This can have significant impact on your business, and we'd rather it doesn't happen to you. 

How to avoid automatic suspension?

We have and article about overages and late payments that details ways to manage your payments to avoid suspension and late fees. 

Service specific notes about suspension

Here are some specific notes on what to expect if your account gets suspended for any reason: 

Google Workspace

  • Your account will be suspended on the due date if no payment is received
  • You will not receive any email during the suspension period 
  • You will not be able to access your email or any files in the suspension period 
  • When your payment is received and your account is reactivated it can take up to 24 hours for all your services to resume to normal. This is because it takes time for your account status to spread back through Google systems. 

Wordpress Hosting

  • Your site will be unavailable to visitors and Google 
  • You may loose ranking in Google if it tries to index your site while suspended 
  • If you have paid advertising to your site it will not work and you will loose money on the advertising 

Care Plans

We will pause all work related to your care plan project. 

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