
Adding a user to Google Tag Manager

We ensure that your site uses Google Tag Manager as it makes it much easier to add events and tracking tags to your site without involving development costs, or adding more Wordpress plugins that slow it down. 

If you already have Tag Manager, we'll ask you to grant us access to it, so we can help you manage it in the future. 

  1. Go to
  2. Click to open the container
  3. Click 'Admin' in the upper left area of the screen 
  4. Decide if you want to share the entire account (all your containers if you have multiple) or only a certain Container
  5. For the entire account click on User Management in the first column
  6. Click the Blue + button in the top right > Add Users 
  7. Enter the user's email address and decide on the level of access - usually, if it's your webs developer (like us) select Administrator. For an SEO or marketing person User is fine. 
  8. In the container permissions click on each container and select Publish for your user. This allows them to make changes and push them live. For more complex approval processes you can set Publishers, Approvers and  Editors. 
  9. Click Done 
  10. Once you have updated each Container click the 'Invitation' button in the top right. 

If the person you are inviting does not have a Google email address, then you can suggest they watch this video to create a Google Account (not a with their own email address following this video. 

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