
Restoring Google Drive files from Cloud Backup

If you need to have a file from Google Drive restored, please reach out to us via live chat or email 

We will need as many of the following details from you as you can: 

For Google Drive files: 

  • Name of the file 
  • The folder the file was saved in 
  • Location of the file (Shared Drive name, or in My Drive of a user)
  • Owner of the file 
  • Last edited date 
  • Where you want the file(s) restored to (i.e. the original location, or a different user's My Drive) 

We appreciate these details are not always top of mind, so please provide as much detail as possible so we may be able to find the item in question! Note we cannot search content within a file, only the file name. 

We'll go digging for it and provide you with a list of options to restore based on what we can find. 

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